Skunks are one of the most misunderstood wild animals. The skunk is a very docile, benign animal whose severe near-sightedness often gets them into trouble. Their odor is famous and strikes fear in everyone who encounters them. A skunk’s only defense is a noxious odor created by a sulfuric acid “fired” from the anal glands. But skunks have a limited supply of ammunition and they cannot “reload” very quickly, so they don’t waste their defensive spray.
Only in self-defence:
Before spraying, they stamp their front feet and raise their tail as a warning if another creature gets too close, giving ample opportunity for the “threat” to back off.
The warning is no bluff and, unfortunately, dogs tend to ignore this warning which is why they get sprayed.

Skunks have a hearty appetite for grubs, frogs, insects, mice and baby rats. People soon find that their rodent problems disappear after skunks take up residence. Skunks have terrible eyesight but a keen sense of smell. Interestingly enough, their normal body odor is a very sweet musky scent, similar to musk perfume.
Skunks have one litter of 1-7 babies in late spring or early summer, and the babies usually disperse in late summer or early fall. Sometimes the female kits share a winter den with their mother.