Do not underestimate an injured adult.
What is normal behavior?
If a deer is seen in the same area day after day (especially in spring), it is most likely a mother deer (doe) and she has babies hidden nearby.
Leave the area and give the deer plenty of space. Keep all people and pets away.
Capture Myopathy is not reversible and it kills
If an adult deer can get up and walk around, it is best to leave the deer
alone. Adult deer are not rehabilitated for good reason. A deer, aged
four months or older, has developed a fear of human beings. When
captured or restrained, that deer will most likely develop Capture
Myopathy, a biological response to stress. Capture Myopathy is
nonreversible and usually kills the deer immediately or over several days to a weeks time. Deer do have amazing healing abilities, and even deer who have sustained serious injuries can often manage to heal.
Something is wrong.
If the adult deer is car hit or otherwise severely injured and cannot get up or walk around, contact local police or an animal control officer. The animal should not be left to suffer and can be humanely euthanized.
If the adult can stand or walk, but is injured, contact a licensed rehabilitator for help.