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A number of bills were just proposed at the State Capitol which would open up CT for bear hunting — and result in so many more orphaned cubs.
It’s vital for you to contact your own legislator and ask him/her to:
1) OPPOSE any bill allowing bear hunting
2) SUPPORT any bill which helps the public co-exist with bears .
When you write, be sure to put in your name and full address, so the legislator knows you are a constituent. Remember they only pay attention to the people they represent.
There’s no need to write anything lengthy – just getting the sentiment across that you don’t want bear hunting is good enough! (AND be sure to say you are a constituent, and that you VOTE!)
Save the Date for public hearings to testify against a bear hunt (possibly Feb 15 and 27). To testify in writing or in person: https://cga.ct.gov/env/
• When Bobbi the bear was shot in Newtown, her tiny cubs were left behind. It was a senseless killing. We can’t let that happen again. Bear cubs stay 2 years with their mother – so when she’s shot they’re doomed.
• Scientific studies have found that bear hunting does not reduce conflicts. That’s largely because bears shot in the woods are not the same ones being enticed to food in suburban backyards.
• What works is a Bearsmart program – ie community education focused on reducing food attractants, like accessible garbage cans, unprotected bee hives, and free-roaming chickens. (see bearsmart.com)
• Many hunters and legislators are using scare hype to promote bear hunting
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